Magazine Cserkész

The Cserkész magazine started in the year of reorganization of the Hungarian Scout Movement in Slovakia, in 1990. In 2007, the International Forum of Hungarian Scouting (MCSSZF) declared the Cserkész its official newspaper, thanks to which it can read more Hungarian young people all over the Carpathian Basin and also the western countries where there are Scouts-in-Exteris groups. Due to this fact, the magazine´s content and editing process was partly transformed.

This monthly paper is now the only Scouting newspaper that the Hungarian Scout associations publish together and appears in print in the Hungarian-speaking area. Moreover, it is one of the few magazines four young people which does not contain tabloid information and "hot celeb news" but conveys selective and quality content to hundreds of readers.

The Cserkész magazine´s aim is to deliver to the Hungarian-speaking youth a newspaper which mediates values and entertains, regardless of borders. Through its contents, it contributes to positive personal development, since represents national, moral and cultural values as almost the only such magazine among Hungarian-language newspapers for youth. Hopefully, the magazine will help to preserve our Hungarian identity through providing a common platform for Hungarians living all over the world. In many places, this is the only newspaper in Hungarian which is widely accessible to the public.


The Cserkész magazine has 10 publications per year and appears in the second week of each month, except the summer months. One publication contains 24 pages, 8 of them are coloured. We distribute in 10 countries of Europe and in the Overseas.

The Cserkész magazine´s target group is the Hungarian youth aged 10 to 16 but we also publish materials for children aged 6 to 10 and articles that interest the adult generations. Permanent columns deal with environmentally conscious lifestyle, Hungarian folk values, flora & fauna around us and they also encourage us to attend various programmes. We consider our mission to introduce the colourful life of the Hungarian Scout associations, therefore we write about major and notable events.

The magazine´s versatility is reflected by the composition of the Editorial Board, since we have at least one editor from each Scout association. We pay special attention to provide an opportunity for talented young people to engage in compiling the magazine, and to gain valuable experience in the field of journalism.

The magazine appears in 1,400 print copies per month. However, the number of its readers is much higher, because often not individuals got the newspaper but one or more copies are sent to local Scout Communities, where they are read by the members of that community. The situation is similar in the case of libraries, where the magazine is available for every visitor. Our goal is to distribute the magazine to as many people as possible.


Subscribe at the Hungarian Scout Association in Slovakia or at the address of the Editorial Office (e-mail: The magazine´s previous publications are available on


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