Forum of Hungarian Scout Associations (MCSSZF)

The Forum of Hungarian Scout Associations (MCSSZF) was established in 1991. It is a union of the 8 Hungarian Scouting organizations functioning in the Carpathian Basin and also in the western countries with Scouts-in-Exile groups. The Forum´s members confirmed their cooperation 28th December 2012, on the 100th anniversary of establishing the Hungarian Scout Association. The Forum is a democratic common advocacy founded for cooperation of its members and reaching the same interests and goals. In order to reach its goals, the Forum cooperates with governmental, social and business organizations, associations and alliances, however, is not engaged in political activity. Based on its own budget, the Forum manages the financial support of its member organizations and the Foundation for the International Forum of Hungarian Scouting on its own. Cooperation is coordinated by the Office of Hungarian Scouting (ÖCSI).



Management of MCSSZF

The president and vice-president are voted by secret ballot at the Elective General Assembly held every three year, and the manager of the Office of Hungarian Scouting is also voted by the General Assembly.


President: Imre Lendvai-Lintner

Vice-president: Péter Henn

Office Manager: Gábor Szórád